Bit better. Still needs impoverishment. some interesting aspects of his life are to be find.
Zillo-Rehman Profile
By Fariya Masroor
M.A Previous
Zillo-Rehman was born in December 26, 1969 at one of the 2nd largest city of Sindh Hyderabad. He belongs to a religious family. He and his family members are very punctual about Islam. They have performed Hajj and Umrah. He told that we offer five time nemaz (prayer), pay zakat, read holly Quran pak. He told that we all are very sensitive about Islamic matters.
It should be proud for me that I am writing about a person who is belonging to a very Educated Family of Pakistan because of this all family members of Zillo-Rehman have a very good Name & Fame in Pakistan. He told me that he has one brother Mr Zubbair which is a CSS officer & have two sisters elder one is doctor in profession, she is living in London & 2nd one is lawyer, she is living in Islamabad.
Mr Zillo Rehaman childhood was very interesting. He got admission in Public School Hyderabad. He told that he was very naughty boy at school time. Some time he missed the classes in company of friends when weather was good for cycling, taking cup of tea at open atmosphere. He was very intelligent in a Public School. He good at education as well as very active in other activities either inside the school or outside of school life. He told that he always came in top five students in class. He secured A1 grade in matric as well as in intermediate. At school time he won the medal of winning Hockey tournament.
From childhood he was very hard working student and he has a good sense of responsibility. At school time because of their intelligent he was giving tuitions to other students at their homes. He think that it a best way to increase their knowledge. He told that with tuition he feels the sense of responsibility and confidence.
At school time Mr Zillo-Rehman love mathematics subjects than any other subject, because of this its interest was in engineering field. But when he got admission in intermediate his interest was totally changed, he started liking Banking & Management profession. In this way he got admission in in Govt Ghazali College & completed in 1988. After completing his thrust of education was not ended and he went London to get ABE (Association of Business Executive) certificate in Economics & Accounting from London International College UK in 1989.
His educational interest was not decreased in 1990 he got admission in CA in one of the Pakistan’s biggest Chartered Accountant Firm FRRM (Ford Rhodes Robson Morrow) and completed in 1995 with 2nd position in class. During this time, worked as an audit trainee and supervisor auditing. The audit assignments were for the following companies: NDFC (National Development Finance Corporation), World Bank Reports , Citi Bank NA, Adamjee Insurance, PMTF, Habib Bank Limited, Pakistan Banking and Finance Services Commission, Radio Pakistan, Ali Gohar Pharmaceuticals, Mahmood Textile Mills, etc.
Mr Zillo-Rehman after completing their Education his first job was at Sui southern gas company as an assistant accountant from 1995-2001. At first job he told that he learned much more about job experiences. During first job his efforts was not limited , parallel to this job he was part time faculty visiting lecturer at Preston University Hyderabad from 1997-2001. In 2002 he realised that he has to do something for young generation of Pakistan he left both these jobs & joined PIMSAT Hyderabad in 2002 to 2006. & also visiting faculty at ILM Lahore in 2005.
In 2006 he left PIMSAT to join HIAST UNIVERSITY OF EAST in 2006 because this University is his cazen Zafar-ul-Islam’s property. On Zafar-ul-Islam insist he join HIAST. Not only this his uncle Mushtaque has an Alfalah school & college in Hyderabad.
For sake of success he immigrated to Canada in 2007. Where he told that initially he faces lots of difficulties. One of most terrible is that he lost their clothes beg at the airport of Canada & accommodation problem, proper food availability at the first week. But he did not lose their hopes & faces all difficulties. In July 2007 he was appointed as a Strategic Property Management Corp as a Property Accountant till November 2008. His first experience about job at foreign was very good & because of their teaching experience he appointed at University of Calgary, the Canada's top ranking research University, as a Professor where he taught the two subjects Finance and cost accounting to the students of MBA from December 2008 till December 2014.
After that because of some personal problems he left Canada and returned to Pakistan and currently doing freelance consulting in Pakistan for a couple of organisations in Lahore and Karachi & also working on new school & college with name of EXCELLENCE in Lahore.
He is very kind person. He always run to help other people, nowadays in Pakistan he is running an local NGO, the purpose of that organization is to help financially to those parents who are not able to afford their daughter’s marriage expenses, through his organization he take the responsibilities of all marriage related costs.
Mr Zillo-Rehman is hold a very caring nature for their family members as well as for others, because of this reason he usually like to go London to visit their sister who is living in London.
When I asked him about most interesting event which was happened in his life. At that moment he smiled & told me that when he went OMAN for seminar purpose he one day leave the room alone and went to market the people of Oman use their national Arabic language he cannot understand their Arabic language & he returned back to room without purchasing or visiting any place.
Mr Zillo-Rehman likes both home cooked food as well as restaurants. He told that whenever he visit new cities or countries his first priority is to eat the famous food of that city or country.
Referred back This is CV.. please make it profile
Name of personality and ur name is also missing
File name is also wrong; It should be: Profile-fariya. When revised version is sent file name should be Profile-fariya -Revised
Please read some good profiles, links are available on FB group of ur class.
In profile, interview and feature pix is needed.
Date of Birth; - December 26, 1969
School : Public School Hyderabad from KG to 12 , finished
At the school life he was interested in engineering field, but when he got admission in 11th class his mind was totally changed from the Engineering field to the management side he begins to love Banking, because of this he got admission in
B.COM : Government Ghazali College 1988
ABE(Association of Business Executive) Certification in Economics and Accounting, 1989 from London International College UK
Completed Auditing Training from Pakistan's Biggest Chartered Accountant Firm FRRM (Ford Rhodes Robson Morrow) from 1990 till 1995. During this time, worked as an audit trainee and supervisor auditing. The audit assignments were for the following companies :
NDFC (National Development Finance Corporation),
World Bank Reports ,
Citi Bank NA,
Adamjee Insurance,
Habib Bank Limited,
Pakistan Banking and Finance Services Commission,
Radio Pakistan,
Ali Gohar Pharmaceuticals,
Mahmood Textile Mills, etc.
Worked in Sui Souther Gas Company as an assistant accountant from 1995 - 2001
Worked Part time visiting Faculty at Preston University Hyderabad 1997 - 2001
Worked Full time as visiting Faculty at PIMSAT Hyderabad 2002 -2006
Visiting Faculty at Hiast , University of East 2006-2007
Visiting Faculty at ILM Lahore 2005
During this time, taught BBA, MBA, EMBA and ICMA students, the following subjects:
Financial Accounting
Cost Accounting
Financial Management
Project Management
Investment Management
Cash-flow Management
Mercantile Law
Immigrated to Canada March 2007
Worked at Strategic Property Management Corp as a Property Accountant from July 2007 till November 2008
Worked at University of Calgary, the Canada's top ranking research University, as a Professor where he taught the two subjects Finance and cost accounting to the students of MBA from December 2008 till December 2014
After that because of some personal problems he left Canada and returned to Pakistan and currently doing freelance consulting in Pakistan for a couple of organisations in Lahore and Karachi & also working on new school & college with name of EXCELLENCE in Lahore.
He is very kind person. He always run to help other people, nowadays in Pakistan he is running an local NGO, the purpose of that organization is to help financially to those parents who are not able to afford their daughter’s marriage expenses, through his organization he take the responsibilities of all related costs.
He is also one Pakistani who visited;
CANADA where he did a job in CALGERY University.
London, His sister is living in London because of this he often go there for family tour.
SAUDI ARABIA, He is also a lucky person who went in Saudi Arabia two time to perform HAJJ & UMRAH.
OMAN, He went Oman just only for attending Seminar.
He secured 2nd position in CA.
He received the agreement to open new School & college in Lahore.
He is an Honour of local NGO in Pakistan.
When he was a young he won the prize in hockey tournament in Hyderabad.
He likes to read Islamic books.
He love to teach in universities.
Bit better. Still needs impoverishment. some interesting aspects of his life are to be find.
Zillo-Rehman Profile
By Fariya Masroor
M.A Previous
Zillo-Rehman was born in December 26, 1969 at one of the 2nd largest city of Sindh Hyderabad. He belongs to a religious family. He and his family members are very punctual about Islam. They have performed Hajj and Umrah. He told that we offer five time nemaz (prayer), pay zakat, read holly Quran pak. He told that we all are very sensitive about Islamic matters.
It should be proud for me that I am writing about a person who is belonging to a very Educated Family of Pakistan because of this all family members of Zillo-Rehman have a very good Name & Fame in Pakistan. He told me that he has one brother Mr Zubbair which is a CSS officer & have two sisters elder one is doctor in profession, she is living in London & 2nd one is lawyer, she is living in Islamabad.
Mr Zillo Rehaman childhood was very interesting. He got admission in Public School Hyderabad. He told that he was very naughty boy at school time. Some time he missed the classes in company of friends when weather was good for cycling, taking cup of tea at open atmosphere. He was very intelligent in a Public School. He good at education as well as very active in other activities either inside the school or outside of school life. He told that he always came in top five students in class. He secured A1 grade in matric as well as in intermediate. At school time he won the medal of winning Hockey tournament.
From childhood he was very hard working student and he has a good sense of responsibility. At school time because of their intelligent he was giving tuitions to other students at their homes. He think that it a best way to increase their knowledge. He told that with tuition he feels the sense of responsibility and confidence.
At school time Mr Zillo-Rehman love mathematics subjects than any other subject, because of this its interest was in engineering field. But when he got admission in intermediate his interest was totally changed, he started liking Banking & Management profession. In this way he got admission in in Govt Ghazali College & completed in 1988. After completing his thrust of education was not ended and he went London to get ABE (Association of Business Executive) certificate in Economics & Accounting from London International College UK in 1989.
His educational interest was not decreased in 1990 he got admission in CA in one of the Pakistan’s biggest Chartered Accountant Firm FRRM (Ford Rhodes Robson Morrow) and completed in 1995 with 2nd position in class. During this time, worked as an audit trainee and supervisor auditing. The audit assignments were for the following companies: NDFC (National Development Finance Corporation), World Bank Reports , Citi Bank NA, Adamjee Insurance, PMTF, Habib Bank Limited, Pakistan Banking and Finance Services Commission, Radio Pakistan, Ali Gohar Pharmaceuticals, Mahmood Textile Mills, etc.
Mr Zillo-Rehman after completing their Education his first job was at Sui southern gas company as an assistant accountant from 1995-2001. At first job he told that he learned much more about job experiences. During first job his efforts was not limited , parallel to this job he was part time faculty visiting lecturer at Preston University Hyderabad from 1997-2001. In 2002 he realised that he has to do something for young generation of Pakistan he left both these jobs & joined PIMSAT Hyderabad in 2002 to 2006. & also visiting faculty at ILM Lahore in 2005.
In 2006 he left PIMSAT to join HIAST UNIVERSITY OF EAST in 2006 because this University is his cazen Zafar-ul-Islam’s property. On Zafar-ul-Islam insist he join HIAST. Not only this his uncle Mushtaque has an Alfalah school & college in Hyderabad.
For sake of success he immigrated to Canada in 2007. Where he told that initially he faces lots of difficulties. One of most terrible is that he lost their clothes beg at the airport of Canada & accommodation problem, proper food availability at the first week. But he did not lose their hopes & faces all difficulties. In July 2007 he was appointed as a Strategic Property Management Corp as a Property Accountant till November 2008. His first experience about job at foreign was very good & because of their teaching experience he appointed at University of Calgary, the Canada's top ranking research University, as a Professor where he taught the two subjects Finance and cost accounting to the students of MBA from December 2008 till December 2014.
After that because of some personal problems he left Canada and returned to Pakistan and currently doing freelance consulting in Pakistan for a couple of organisations in Lahore and Karachi & also working on new school & college with name of EXCELLENCE in Lahore.
He is very kind person. He always run to help other people, nowadays in Pakistan he is running an local NGO, the purpose of that organization is to help financially to those parents who are not able to afford their daughter’s marriage expenses, through his organization he take the responsibilities of all marriage related costs.
Mr Zillo-Rehman is hold a very caring nature for their family members as well as for others, because of this reason he usually like to go London to visit their sister who is living in London.
When I asked him about most interesting event which was happened in his life. At that moment he smiled & told me that when he went OMAN for seminar purpose he one day leave the room alone and went to market the people of Oman use their national Arabic language he cannot understand their Arabic language & he returned back to room without purchasing or visiting any place.
Mr Zillo-Rehman likes both home cooked food as well as restaurants. He told that whenever he visit new cities or countries his first priority is to eat the famous food of that city or country.
Referred back This is CV.. please make it profile
Name of personality and ur name is also missing
File name is also wrong; It should be: Profile-fariya. When revised version is sent file name should be Profile-fariya -Revised
Please read some good profiles, links are available on FB group of ur class.
In profile, interview and feature pix is needed.
Date of Birth; - December 26, 1969
School : Public School Hyderabad from KG to 12 , finished
At the school life he was interested in engineering field, but when he got admission in 11th class his mind was totally changed from the Engineering field to the management side he begins to love Banking, because of this he got admission in
B.COM : Government Ghazali College 1988
ABE(Association of Business Executive) Certification in Economics and Accounting, 1989 from London International College UK
Completed Auditing Training from Pakistan's Biggest Chartered Accountant Firm FRRM (Ford Rhodes Robson Morrow) from 1990 till 1995. During this time, worked as an audit trainee and supervisor auditing. The audit assignments were for the following companies :
NDFC (National Development Finance Corporation),
World Bank Reports ,
Citi Bank NA,
Adamjee Insurance,
Habib Bank Limited,
Pakistan Banking and Finance Services Commission,
Radio Pakistan,
Ali Gohar Pharmaceuticals,
Mahmood Textile Mills, etc.
Worked in Sui Souther Gas Company as an assistant accountant from 1995 - 2001
Worked Part time visiting Faculty at Preston University Hyderabad 1997 - 2001
Worked Full time as visiting Faculty at PIMSAT Hyderabad 2002 -2006
Visiting Faculty at Hiast , University of East 2006-2007
Visiting Faculty at ILM Lahore 2005
During this time, taught BBA, MBA, EMBA and ICMA students, the following subjects:
Financial Accounting
Cost Accounting
Financial Management
Project Management
Investment Management
Cash-flow Management
Mercantile Law
Immigrated to Canada March 2007
Worked at Strategic Property Management Corp as a Property Accountant from July 2007 till November 2008
Worked at University of Calgary, the Canada's top ranking research University, as a Professor where he taught the two subjects Finance and cost accounting to the students of MBA from December 2008 till December 2014
After that because of some personal problems he left Canada and returned to Pakistan and currently doing freelance consulting in Pakistan for a couple of organisations in Lahore and Karachi & also working on new school & college with name of EXCELLENCE in Lahore.
He is very kind person. He always run to help other people, nowadays in Pakistan he is running an local NGO, the purpose of that organization is to help financially to those parents who are not able to afford their daughter’s marriage expenses, through his organization he take the responsibilities of all related costs.
He is also one Pakistani who visited;
CANADA where he did a job in CALGERY University.
London, His sister is living in London because of this he often go there for family tour.
SAUDI ARABIA, He is also a lucky person who went in Saudi Arabia two time to perform HAJJ & UMRAH.
OMAN, He went Oman just only for attending Seminar.
He secured 2nd position in CA.
He received the agreement to open new School & college in Lahore.
He is an Honour of local NGO in Pakistan.
When he was a young he won the prize in hockey tournament in Hyderabad.
He likes to read Islamic books.
He love to teach in universities.
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